A varied selection

Of Fowl Revolutionaries, vindictive angels; of Satan and a man named Trump; of Universal Languages, submarines and witches; of Vikings and Covid. All of human life is here...

...in a small selection of other books available as Kindle downloads, or as real, printed books (from Amazon. Yes, yes, I know: but how real do you want them to be, exactly?).
Arguably, not good enough for a needy publisher to splash out hard-earned cash. But good enough, say both my friends, when cajoled.
And that ought to be good enough for you.

Little Read Book
Lady Grange
The Last Trump
Cave Beck

Click any of the book covers above to read about —

Rebel Turkeys, whose aspirations to foment world-wide revolution - an entirely praiseworthy aim, if you think about it - overcome a host of running-dog fascistic counterplots.

The Unfortunate Lady Grange - or, more exactly and more importantly, the Cherub of Desire who took pity on the unfortunate lady, with no concern for her own safety.

Ghostly Golfers on a golf-course owned by a certain US billionaire with a bad hair-do and ambitions to become a most powerful man indeed (it need not be said that this man is of unimpeachable character);

Slumbering Hollywood stars in the entirely real village of Brigadoon, which puts in an appearance at a most ill-considered period in history...

A bold 17th Century language dreamed up by an Ipswich schoolmaster named, rather circumspectly, Cave Beck.

Set in the year 1669, an adventure, or True Discourse, involving divers and aeronauts, mechanics, witches and charlatans, linguists, time-travellers and traitors.

How the Vikings, our Scadinavian neighbours, coped during Covid lockdown. Quite well, actually - just as long as the park-and-raid facilities remained open.

Hamsters Have Stories - they are, of course, the most technologically brilliant creatures on the planet. What could possibly go wrong?