Click here to investigate...You can select the type of story you might want to read, from the dropdown lists below. Or ... if you know of - or can guess - a title or a blurb, tap it in gently down below.
 Or - if feeling frisky - you can just click on one of the stories listed immediately below - selected by magic, seemingly!
 Be warned that not all stories are suitable for adults!
Where you see the symbol More like this..., then you can click it to get a randomised `You-Might-Also-Enjoy` selection of stories with a similar subject. Maybe. Maybe not.

 The symbol ⤤ beside a story indicates that it could open for you in a new tab or window on your browser. (Definitely so, on a phone or tablet/iPad...)

click here to open storyWildlife World - Mr. Badger is driven to crime by modern commerce   ⤤
click here to open storyIn Which Pooh and Piglet Visit the Pole - Wol organise a Nelection for President among the Animals of 100 Acre Wood. But Rabbit`s bid for power is thwarted.
click here to open storyOysters, Hamsters - London may have the Oyster Card, but Edinburgh has the Trams. And hamsters have them all.   ⤤
click here to open storyiHamsters - Who do you think invented (and now controls) the Internet?   ⤤
click here to open storyBird Feed Balls - A slightly mistaken analysis of the situation in the pet shop.   ⤤

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